Sunday, February 21, 2010

Duty hours .....

It's been couple of months since my last post ,well after much of thought ,today i pounced upon an interesting idea of sharing something again with you all.....well its the compilation of my encounters over the last few months with few people who've taken my thought for a ride ,few pleasent few utterly dustbin stuff ,but as they say nothing here is bad ,like what's a congestion in a train becomes atmosphere in the pub.....

January 1st 2010
7.00 am ,FHVK

First morning of this new year has just knocked on ,what a chilly day that was!hard to even feel the warmth in once breath ,entire delhi was sleeping ,i am sure after partying hard ,but there was a place which was gushing with activities of all sort,one could hear the malyali chit chats along all the nursing boards of FHVK ,passing on information over to the next batch of staff ,in the long corridors all the house keeping guys were busy applying the shining wax on the already glaring floors ,after all presentation is the key !!i looked at my watch it was already 7.30 and was time for me to take all the willy old foxes of medicine for the morning rounds ,but addicted me, i sneaked out for a couple of minutes to wash my eyes with that dirty smoke ,well excuse or whatever but after that marathon night duty i needed that ,why marathon? that's some other time ......

7.38 am-stage all set ,all the morning duty residents were also ready for the rounds but before we could excahnge greetings here came Dr.paul in his late 50's dr.paul is a man of few words ,but he commands respect where ever he goes for us fear also plays a part in that ,so we residents exchanged greetings by just looking at each other ....{did i hear somebody say ,body language ,well i would say fear factor }...we headed towards room no .102 ,patient name -rajinder dhingra ,diagnosis -hepatitis C ,stage and prognosis -uncurable ....we entered into his room and dr.paul in his typical punjabi accent spoke "good morning and a very happy new year mr.rajinder ,that old man with all his guts summed up a broad smile on his face and replied thankx sir and i am sure it will be a very happy new year for me as i am sure i will be able to overcome all these nerve wrecking pain this year "well what a reply from a man who has just signed his end of life form "that's do not try to put me on life support system if i bid bye form"well i looked up at him and thought well this is being positive at its best ,you know what is looming large and yet you are taking chances ....
Mr.rajinder is no more today but his last few words will always echo in my ears ,move over all inspirational books ,life it self is biggest insipration....

January 4th ,2010
4.30 pm
i was going thro the ABG reports of one of the ILD pateints ,my phone started to ring ,it was Dr. adit on the other side he said"rohit u r required in the A3 ward STATi.e shake that ass toothsie....i made my way to that ward ,it was javed ....bed no.101.1,diagnosis -blind since last four years,cause-traumatic,prognosis -entire life in darkness. i have brought him from the medical camp of indian blind association last day he sufferd colle's fracture while playing blind football tournament there,but he was ready to be addmitted on only one promise that i will give him the news of his team winning the cup ,and today was the final, it was time i needed to fulfill my promise ...he instantly recognised me by the fragnance of my deo ,javed asked "sir kya hua ?i said sorry yaar tumhari team haar gayi ,he replied back ,main jo nahi tha ! next year sir aap phir aana ,main jeetunga ,zindagi main har baar jeetna jaroori nahi hota ....but his dark eyes couldn't hide the tears in his eyes .....
javed is well today ,practising football,singing songs with friends ,making wax candles and lighting up others life ....

January 20th,2010
SOS call from B1 ward ,it was room number 222,patient -R.K singh ,diagnosis -periampullary CA ,last stage ,EX MP gov of India 1972,he was gasping for breath ,i shouted back put him on oxygen 4 litres fast ,nebulise him and give cortisone 200 mg ,after few minutes of frantic orders and treatments he became stable ,well for some time was there in the hospital for last one month and being politically inclined i used to have a long chat with him ,during one of those chats he once said "listen dr'not even angels are greater than the man who went on to wrong path and came back ,so no matter what happens one can always fetch the greatness...."great words from a great man himself ....

He went away silently next day ....i was not on duty ...

February 2nd ,2010
ER room ,some time in the early morning
my over night pateint latika has just come into her senses ,and greeted us with her repenting scream..miss latika ahuja ,suffring from acute alcohol intoxication ,she was brought by couple of her friends from her office party ,she was a software engineer ....but as they came to know it will be a police case ,and that too a formal one with no hassles guarenteed ,they ran away ....some how we found her parent's number in her cell and informed them,they were on their way .....well the question is why miss latika screamed it was not the fear that she has done something wrong ,she was a regular boozer at office Do's ,a regular morality preacher to other fellows who didnt know her ,but this time it was the fear of being exposed in front of her parent's made her scream .....i looked at her and thought ,huhh strange world ,there are people who are suffering ,because of no faults their own ,we as a doctor can only summarise those ailments in couple of words ,and on the other side there are people like latika ,and all of us ,who screw up our life by our own hands and want god to untangle it we really need to always ask for more ?or we should just always be content of what god has given us and say thank you almighty ....take your pick ........

February 21st
9.30 pm ,me signing off with a special note that all the names of patients are not real name ,remember i am a doctor under oath of secrecy .....

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